Drew McHugh

Leadership and Culture Specialist, Facilitator and Executive Coach

Every human action, conscious and unconscious decision contains a very healthy dose of self-interest - know that, own that, work with that...

Drew holds a highly successful leadership and consulting background consulting with large corporate and public sector enterprises. He specialises in leadership, practical ethics, cultural development, executive coaching and strategic planning.

Drew quickly develops a deep and practical understanding of the challenges and opportunities of every client group he works with.

Under Drew’s guidance, clients quickly develop an appreciation of the impact of their current leadership style and approach. They are supported and challenged to seek the behavioural changes that will develop the positive leadership impacts they will have on those they lead and influence.

We questioned each of our team to gather what they've learnt on their personal journey:

If you had all the world's leaders in one room, what would you like them to know?

Every human action, conscious and unconscious decision contains a very healthy dose of self-interest - know that, own that, work with that...

The best advice you've ever been given…

Understand your impact, own it...

In any organisation, what do you see as the difference between good and great?

One foot planted firmly in the now and several toes of the other assessing potential future states

What's the biggest impact coaching can have on an organisation and individual?

It has the power to change the whole trajectory of an organisation.

What are three words that describe you?

Intuitive, Curious, Relaxed

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