Why People and Culture Leaders now empower inclusive learning

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
3:31 pm
Podcast Series Episode

Large organisations are expanding access to learning experiences for all. Learn why you should too!

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Inclusive learning, designing learning experiences that respect and leverages diversity, enable access to participation and remove barriers.
If organisations are crystal clear on the why, you can design an experience that achieves real organisational outcomes.
Experiential learning, connectivity with others and shared sense-making, can turn a learning session into a transformative change that can last a lifetime.

Investing in inclusive learning

When you think of inclusion at work, what comes to mind first? Do you think of access and inclusion to high quality learning in the workplace? Inclusive learning is an approach that is now on the radar of People and Culture Leaders and is becoming a key differentiator in attracting and retaining solid workforces, building capability, and leveraging the value of the diversity of your teams. But what does it mean for organisational development professionals, and how are other experts addressing inclusive learning?

A closer look

Let's take a look at what we mean by inclusive learning. 'Inclusive' is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as ‘an inclusive group or organisation tries to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally'. So inclusive learning, designing learning experiences that respect and leverages diversity, enable access to participation and remove barriers. It's the opportunity for all of the workforce to access high quality learning as a value of working with the organisation.

Why now?

Firstly, a key way to attract and retain the best people in the market is by improving the employee experience. This major reset in the workplace has driven a shift in peoples attitudes towards work. Themes such as leadership, inclusion, mental health, flexibility, and access to learning and career development have become major points of focus. Studies such as the Gallups 'How Millennials want to work and live' report shows that 87% of millennials rate professional or career growth and development opportunities as important to them in a role choice, so it’s a critical factor for organsiations to get right for their talent.  

Secondly, well designed learning experiences are now recognised to have multiple level impacts across the organisation. Leaders are leveraging learning experiences to solve organisational challenges, connect teams, engage a range of employees in problem solving, sense making and innovation. We have heard for years how learning should be linked to the organisational strategic objectives. A well designed, active, on scale learning experience can bring a strategy transformation to life.

The power of learning for everyone

From all of the current data and conversations with partner clients, inclusive learning and learning for everyone is no longer a 'nice to do', but a fundamental. We are finding that more large organisations are coming to us when they are embarking on some type of change, large transformation, or need to increase engagement and want to leverage inclusive learning to build capability, innovation, and deliver the strategy.

When an organisation is planning to invest, a key consideration is why. When designing bespoke learning, we often think about when, what and where. This is important, however if organisations are crystal clear on the why, you can design an experience that achieves real organisational outcomes. Many organisations pivoting to inclusive learning are leveraging technology to amplify access so everyone can access learning experiences and automation to enhance the experience. And no one is excluded for variables such as distance to the head office, competing work priorities, remote working, accessibility requirements, and other usual factors that can hinder personal learning.

Learning experiences can enhance inclusive development

Anyone that has studied learning, training or coaching knows that adults learn by 'doing'. And the best way to do that is to experience, rather than be surrounded by information with little action, relevance or individualisation. Experiential learning, connectivity with others, shared sense-making, and facilitating new ideas can turn a learning session into a transformative change that can last a lifetime. Professionally facilitated experiences using the most effective learning models, facilitators, and coaches make a difference to individuals, teams and organisations. To bring everyone on the journey together means they can learn from each other, and share knowledge and wisdom beyond the learning agenda, which is inclusive in the truest sense and results in deeper learning.

Can your organisation afford not to?

Inclusive learning is fast becoming a must do in people and culture. Skipping a cohort of the workplace results in lower retention and missed opportunities to develop people and achieve organisational strategy and purpose. Now more than ever, it is critical to follow the lead of successful organisations by creating inclusive learning experiences for all members of the workforce. By investing in every employee's growth and development, companies can maximise their potential for success.

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The encountas CircleQ gave me the confidence to move forward in my leadership journey. The insight, knowledge, and expertise gained from this experience were invaluable tool for my professional development.

Sally Senior Project Officer

Encountas offer a great program for emerging leaders. The coaches are incredibly supportive and provide a diversity of support that can be applicable to professional and personal growth. If you're willing to be vulnerable and lean into the experience, you will get a lot out of it.

Alex Parker Communications Business Partner

Nicole Stinton is an amazing coach, and the encountas program was a powerful springboard on my leadership journey. I was challenged in all the right ways, and supported to explore the areas that resonated most for me. I'm really grateful to the team, and I feel ready to take the next steps to become the leader I want to be.”

Kate Nielsen Executive Officer

In our current hybrid work environment, it can be a simple connection with a human, that can make a difference in a learner’s journey.

Encountas Hub and Community Director

The coaching with Encountas was personalised to my needs and a mix of theory and practice enabled me to practice what I learned. Whether you want to gain confidence in your current role or stretch for a promotion, this coaching program will help you reach your goals.

Susan Gentle Senior Program Officer

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